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Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, MAXMILL MACHINERY specializes in the design and manufacture of vertical machining centers
Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023,
Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, macmatic made in Taiwan with a European-quality punch
TTAAIIWWAANN BBuussiinneessss..EEUU ll
introduction of companies
TT ++ TT
Technika a trh 6/2023
The company was founded as a family bu-
siness in spring of 2008, literally on the eve
of the financial crisis. From the very begin-
ning, the price-performance-quality ratio
has been an important parameter of the
machining solutions that the company has
been offering. Suppliers from Taiwan see-
med the most appropriate for such soluti-
ons. They had machines of comparable
parameters with European machines, avai-
lable for attractive prices. After the outbre-
ak of the recession, price became even
more important and even today price is of-
ten the decisive factor when purchasing a
machine. Unfortunately, efforts to save
money often result in decreased long-term
value of the machine tool solution.
Purchase price or price
-performance-quality ratio? d
"In macmatic we have never gone for the
lowest price," says Ing. Pavel Rak Senior,
the company founder and CEO. "The
most important parameter for us is the
machine price-performance-quality ratio."
The long-standing collaboration and the
good experience of macmatic with ma-
chine tools from Taiwan have led to dee-
per partnerships with manufacturers and
to tailoring machining solutions to suit the
specific requirements of the Czech mar-
ket. For the best-selling models, macmatic
defined optional accessory packages to
meet customer requirements while impro-
ving the value of the machine. The mac-
matic packages therefore include all com-
monly used accessories except probes
and rotary tables which the customer may
order at a later stage if required. "When
choosing a suitable machining solution,
we discuss all aspects of the intended ap-
plication with the customer," says Ing. Pa-
vel Rak Junior, the company Sales Direc-
tor, giving several examples: "Customers
from the automotive sectors who machi-
ne aluminium alloys often try to buy the
machine as cheaply as possible, often un-
derestimating the chip machining econo-
my or the cleaning of the machining liqu-
id, causing problems with the machine
maintenance. Other customers who ma-
chine tough materials such as tool or sta-
inless steel, in turn, underestimate machi-
ne rigidity and the spindle motor power,
the factors determining the tool service li-
fe and an efficient machining process."
Going for the best price performance ra-
tio applies also to the opposite situation,
particularly when the customer tries to
configure the machine as widely as pos-
sible. "There is no such thing as a univer-
sal solution," says Ing. Pavel Rak Junior.
"Choosing a machine is always a matter of
compromise between the technical soluti-
on and the purchase price. Often, a solu-
tion is technically possible but unprofitab-
le." "Several times I have talked the
customer out of a more expensive machi-
ne or unnecessary accessories that he
planned to use only a few times a year,"
add Ing. Pavel Rak Senior. "Our philosop-
hy has always been to provide the custo-
mer with a solution that will move him for-
ward technologically, but not hinder him
economically. Our customers' business
success is in our own interest because on-
ly a financially healthy customer can deve-
lop and re-invest."
macmatic – company, brand and
solution d
At present, macmatic sells CNC milling
centers and turning centers of the Akira
Seiki brand and CNC machine tools and
accessories under its own macmatic
brand in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
"We launched our own macmatic brand
in 2013 to strengthen the link between
the product, services and solutions we
provide to our customers," says Ing. Pavel
Rak Junior, the company Sales Director.
"Using our own brand means a strong
commitment to the quality of the pro-
ducts and services we provide."
The portfolio of macmatic machining so-
lutions includes vertical milling centers,
power and speed portal milling centers, fi-
ve-axis milling centers and horizontal mil-
ling centers, complemented by the stra-
ight-bed power lathes. This year's
additions are the high-speed portal cen-
ters for machining of moulds and graphite
electrodes. "We are very careful when ex-
tending the offer," says Ing. Pavel Rak Ju-
nior. "We verify not only the technical and
qualitative standards of the machines, but
also the references and production plants
of the manufacturer. Therefore we have
established a permanent branch office in
Taiwan, which is in charge of the quality
control directly in the manufacturing faci-
lity and of communication regarding ser-
vice between the manufacturer's technici-
ans and the technicians of the macmatic
service department." Taiwanese machine
tool makers definitely do not form a con-
macmatic s.r.o. operates
as a supplier of CNC
machining solutions for
chip machining.
The company's core
business is the sale of new
CNC milling centers
and lathes, provision
of warranty and
post-warranty service
and the supply of turnkey
macmatic made in Taiwan with
a European-quality punch
Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, macmatic made in Taiwan with a European-quality punch
TTAAIIWWAANN BBuussiinneessss..EEUU ll
introduction of companies
sistent group, so it is not possible to talk
about the quality of machines from Tai-
wan as a whole. "On the contrary," adds
Ing. Pavel Rak Junior. "The difference in
machine and service quality provided by
Taiwanese suppliers is unexpectedly gre-
at: from suppliers who can boldly compe-
te with European producers to those who-
se products do not meet the requirements
of European customers. Therefore, we use
our experience gained in the Czech Re-
public and in our branch office in Taiwan
to guarantee our customers a stable quali-
ty of our machining solutions."
An integral part of the machine tool bu-
siness is the after-sale service. Macmatic
has a service department with experien-
ced technicians who perform machine in-
stallation, warranty and post-warranty ser-
vice including PLC modifications on CNC
control systems. Macmatic service engi-
neers undergo regular training with CNC
vendors and at Renishaw, a supplier of
probes and measurement equipment.
"However, training is much more impor-
tant in Taiwan," remarks Kamil Noga, chi-
ef service engineer at macmatic. "Alt-
hough we can communicate with
Taiwanese technicians with all available
means, including video conferencing, per-
sonal contact directly at a machine in the
vendor's production is irreplaceable. Five
minutes on the machine often save weeks
of communication."
A frequent concern of customers who
consider buying a machine from Taiwan
and from overseas in general is the availa-
bility of spare parts. "Most consumable
parts and commonly used spare parts are
in stock. If you need to order a spare part
directly from Taiwan, delivery time is
around 10 days," reminds Luboš Prchlik,
Head of macmatic Service Department.
"We also have replacement spindles in
stock for the most commonly sold milling
centers to offer our customers the option
of an immediate repair."
Akira Seiki – the most effective
machining solution
macmatic has been offering milling and
turning centers of the Taiwanese brand
Akira Seiki since its inception in 2008. The
technical solutions and configurations of
Akira Seiki machines correspond precise-
ly to macmatic philosophy emphasising
the best possible price-performance-quali-
ty ratio. "It is precisely the very balanced
mix of features of the Akira Seiki machine
that our customers value," says Ing. Pavel
Rak Senior. "Effective milling at the edge
of cutting conditions of modern tools of
even tough materials is a big benefit of
Akira Seiki machines." The rigid machine
design reduces vibration of the tool and
allows the use of powerful spindle motors.
Moreover, the low vibration level has a
key effect on tool life extension, and abo-
ve all on the quality of the machined sur-
face itself. At the macmatic website, you
will find the complete portfolio of Akira
Seiki milling centers from the basic SR3XP
model, through the mid-range V XP to the
top line SV. "The best-selling models are
the Akira Seiki SV760 and SV1350. The
SV760 is a specialist for machining smaller
parts from any material from aluminium
alloys and cast iron to stainless steel. The
SV1350 is a very robust, powerful and ver-
satile machine that, as a result of the
1350x640x660 mm size and spindle out-
put of up to 32 kW, outperforms most of
comparable competitive products, "adds
Ing. Pavel Rak Junior.
macmatic configurator – machines
to suit your needs d
At the macmatic website you will find a ma-
chine configurator that will allow you to
better understand the portfolio of machi-
ne tools on offer. This useful application
will help you select machines that match
your requirements on the basis of a few
basic parameters. In a clearly set list you
can easily choose a particular model and
control system according to technical spe-
cifications of individual machines. You
can then select suitable accessories, such
as Renishaw probes, belt or rake chip cle-
aners, paper filtration, a larger tool tray, or
a 4th CNC controlled Detron axis and ot-
her items. The configuration output is a
technical offer. If you are registered on
the macmatic website, the Akira Seiki mil-
ling centre offer includes a price of the
machine including its accessories.
Users may watch how the configurator
and the ordering system work in instructi-
onal videos on the macmatic website or
the macmatic YouTube channel. The cur-
rent version of the macmatic configurator
is the most advanced solution of its kind
on the machining solution market in the
Czech Republic.
macmatic Aspira extraction fans d
Directly on the macmatic website you can
also purchase accessories for the CNC
machine tools. A very popular option is
the series of macmatic Aspira extraction
fans supplied in 3 output variants. Custo-
mers appreciate ease of installation and
maintenance and, above all, low opera-
ting and procurement costs. All internal
parts of the fan are washable. The only
consumable Aspira fan part is a HEPA fil-
ter that is optional, however, even without
the HEPA filter the benefit in terms of cle-
an environment is immediate. "We started
to offer Aspira extraction fans about a year
ago, and last week we sold the hundredth
piece in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Aspira extraction fans combine an effecti-
ve design, solid performance, excellent
quality and a favourable price, precisely in
line with macmatic philosophy," conclu-
des Ing. Pavel Rak Senior. p
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Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, MAXMILL MACHINERY specializes in the design and manufacture of vertical machining centers
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Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, macmatic made in Taiwan with a European-quality punch
Technika a trh TAIWAN Business.EU 2023, macmatic made in Taiwan with a European-quality punch
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